Marcia Custer + Ben Oblivion— Peg & Deb...The Talk Show! (The Karen Kerfuffle)
From the artists: What a year it's been. Global pandemics, relentless racism and terror, and the cultural rise of some ~tacky woman~ named Karen. We sure are exhausted!
But, we haven't forgotten about you... Or us, for that matter. And in these trying and uncertain times, we've been really working on us, working on ourselves, working on Peg & Deb.
We had to take a step back from our big enterprise at MoMi TV. It wasn't safe, nor was it the right time, to be selling you wares while the world was literally on fire.
So, we did what we did best. We took a breath. We took a bath. We got back to the basics. And we made a talk show.
You can view the talk show episode at our newly-launched MoMi TV website. This is a developing site where you will be able to view older episodes of Peg & Deb: The Talk Show, as well as witness our future iterations of the MoMi TV Home Shopping Network (which, global-climate-dependent, we plan to air in mid-2021).
Please know that your donations and project support have and will continue to be put toward a growing world for MoMi TV. It means the world to us that you're still thinking about us Moms, reaching out and asking "WHERE ARE PEG AND DEB MY LIFE IS LITERALLY SO BORING AND UNCOOL WITHOUT THEM" - and to that we say to you, "Don't worry, MoMi's here. MoMi's always here..."
We miss you, and we're thinking about you every day. We're excited for future MoMi endeavors (and we have BIG plans), and hope you'll consider becoming a MoMi brand ambassador by sharing our content, telling others about the amazing quality of our products, and signing up for future MoMi newsletters by responding to this email, telling us: "I'm into MoMi!"
So please, sit back, pour yourself a glass of rosé or la croix, get your comfy slippers on, and settle in for a forty minute ride ---yes, the episode is FULL LENGTH!-- and enjoy Peg & Deb...The Talk Show! (The Karen Kerfuffle)